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Last semester a student voiced some concerns with the budget of the Student Government Association (SGA). I responded with a promise to reveal Student Government's budget, not only to show our support of transparency with respect to the entire University budget, but to advertise how much of a resource the SGA can be. I apologize that this budget breakdown has taken so long, but our budget manager has been on a leave of absence.

Have you ever needed to vent about a severe case of the Mondays? Many use Facebook as a way to express their anger and frustration. It is common in college for students to post about their tyrannical professors or their aggravating assignments. However, after they grab their diplomas and make the morning commute to their cubicles, it is a completely different story.

Upon entering college, one fear of college students is gaining the "Freshman 15." Hofstra conducts an a la carte system, in which one gets however much one pays for. Some colleges only allow students a certain number of meals a day. Arguably, Hofstra's system better fits the typical college student's schedule, allowing students constantly on-the-go to get food quickly. But Lackmann food can satisfy for only so long, and soon enough even sandwiches from Subway and Au Bon Pain begin to taste like paper.

Sometimes a busy schedule calls for de-stressing with a stack of genuinely unhealthy food only a block away, such as McDonald's. Those golden arches attract millions daily with the guarantee of world famous fries, burgers, and that classic Happy Meal – complete with the promise of a toy.

Have you ever wondered about the fine print at the bottom of a television commercial, a contract, a product, or an Internet ad? Not sure if you're being mislead by false advertising? There is no longer a need to fear being scammed anymore. is a consumer education website dedicated to "turning advertising on its head" by focusing on an ad's asterisked fine print footnote rather than the headline. Fine print or "mouse print" is hidden small print used in advertising, contracts, or on product labels. In the worst cases, the mouse print will change the meaning of the primary claims or promises being made. Sometimes, the catch is not even disclosed.'s goal is to help educate the public about the catches or "gotchas" in mouse prints and disclaimers.

I write for those seeking guidance in their love lives and for those fully enthralled with the concept of relationships and fulfilling futures. I also write for myself – because I'm seeking love just as much as the next person. Relationships are something I know well despite my lack of experience. I want to make lives easier. Finally, and most importantly, because my days blend with the same shade of red. It's the color of love, one that some would argue is the color of bloodbaths and hate. And that's why I'm writing now – for you, the nonbelievers.

So it turns out that "suspended indefinitely without pay," only means two days. On Oct. 28, Keith Olbermann donated $2,400 each to three separate democratic candidates, two of whom won their elections. That was in violation of MSNBC News Policy and Olbermann was promptly suspended on November 5th. However, MSNBC announced as early as Nov. 7 that Olbermann will return to "Countdown" on Nov. 9.

With tax cuts for the richest citizens scheduled to expire at the end of this year, an inevitable battle between President Obama House of Representatives is already underway. As a result of the November elections, the House is largely Republican. Given America's current economic status, Republicans are continuing their line of argument that tax cuts would serve as a means to stimulate a downtrodden economy.

The holiday season is called the most wonderful time of the year. It's the time when we are encouraged to be better people- while at the same time as indulging ourselves. It's a time full of Christmas Trees, Menorahs, Kwanzaa beads, and whatever other decorations may come up in our celebration of the winter holidays. Christmas carols will be playing on all the radio stations, Santa Clauses will appear left and right, and maybe, we'll even get a little bit of snow. There's joy all around. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.