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Hofstra students began their spring semester two weeks ago with a new set of classes, teachers, and possibilities to the students. However, a student's optimism can quickly fade within the first day of class. The things that can go wrong in less than two hours are endless. The teacher is boring. The workload promises more than the student can handle. The books cost three times the amount that exists in a student's bank account. Can this mistake be remedied?


"S--t Hofstra Girls Say," a video uploaded by YouTube user ParksM5, is quickly becoming a viral sensation for Hofstra students. Featuring witty lines like "OMG, you threw up in the parking lot of Popeyes last night? Twinsies!" and, "Ughhh it's freezing, where is my Northface?" coupled with repetitions of the phrase "Hofstra Red," the video has reached almost 16,000 views in just three days. While the video kids about highly unique characteristics of Hofstra students, it shows the funny side of Hofstra students' vernacular.