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Horoscopes: What do your stars say?

By Laurel O'Keefe STAFF WRITER

Aries (March 21 April 20): Your emotions will be intense this week. Focus your energy on a task you meant to get done or something you wanted to do. Don’t hesitate. If you do, you could miss out. Embrace your determined nature and take action!

Taurus (April 21 May 21): This week, take the chance to slow it down. Devote your time to your relationships with others. Put any stubbornness aside and you will find success in a partnership.

Gemini (May 22 June 21): Break out of the repetitive routine this week. Your nerves may be on edge and you will need a boost. Something interesting is coming your way. Don’t be afraid to explore it.

Cancer (June 22 July 23): Put your caretaking nature behind you this week and enjoy some self expression while the sun is roving through Scorpio. Something new and possibly romantic is coming your way. Embrace it.

Leo (July 24 Aug. 23): Your sense of nostalgia will be strong this week and you might want a holiday. Focus your energy on the friend that will ask for your help this week, your true warm-hearted nature will make them thank you for it.

Virgo (Aug. 24 Sept. 23): You have been extra talkative lately. Satisfy your need for intellectual conversation and communication this week by getting out and meeting new people. Start a conversation with the person you really want to talk to.

Libra (Sept. 24 Oct. 23): This week you will feel the need to get active. Your work ethic and sense of stability will be strong which will allow you to focus. Now is the perfect time to go to the gym or get going on that assignment you haven’t started.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 Nov. 22): The sun is in your house until Nov. 22. Take advantage of your heightened sense of identity and use the last few days of your season this to start fresh this week.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 Dec. 21): You are in the house of rest and closure until Nov. 22, but a challenge may be coming this week. It will most likely be something you can handle so don’t freak out when it comes your way. Face the problem head on and get back to enjoying your state of comfort for a few more days.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 20) – You will get the chance to test your skills and prove your strengths this week. The new moon in Scorpio may present an opportunity to get more involved with a team or group. Take the opportunity and do not waste it!

Aquarius (Jan. 21 Feb. 19): This week will present a fresh page in your educational and professional life. Get ready to take on a high ambition. You will also find yourself needing some alone time this week, use it to restore your energy and independent power.

Pisces (Feb. 20 Mar. 20): You may feel a strong need to travel or experience something new this week. Use your sense of adventure to start a new hobby or activity. An opportunity in personal growth will present itself soon. Don’t let self-doubt or uncertainty confuse you or distract you from your goals.

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