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Shaun Foster

By Tyler McCord, Staff Writer

Shaun "Fozzy" Foster is new on the scene at Hofstra University. As a 22-year old freshman, Foster brings experience and talent to the Hofstra men's soccer team. "This is a great opportunity for me to be here," the defender explained. "It is a change of scenery and a great place to study."

Hofstra is definitely a change of scenery for Foster. Hempstead is almost three thousand miles away from home, which for Foster is Liverpool, England. "The weather in Liverpool is just terrible," he said.

Another obvious difference that Foster has embraced, but still not totally used to, are the terms soccer and football. In England, they call soccer ‘football' and although they are the same game they are played a little differently in the U.S. and U.K. "In the United States, football players are more athletic," Foster said. "In England, football players are more, I guess, clever. They maybe know the game a little better."

Foster is a top candidate for the CAA Rookie of the Year—an accolade that is not easy to come by. A very loud presence on the field, he is very humble and knows what he can achieve, but keeps his goals team oriented. "It is team first," said Foster. "I want to worry about the team and what we can achieve first and if the accolades come along with that then it will be a plus." Taking it day by day, he wants to contribute to achieving success with his fellow Pride teammates. "I know that we play in a challenging conference, but I think this season will be a success."

The other plays see Foster's leadership clearly. "Shaun talks so much, so if I don't know what's going on I can just look at Shaun, and Shaun is telling me what to do", sophomore midfielder, Stephan Barea said.

Foster is in an interesting position being older than most of his teammates but still a freshman. "I know a lot about the game, but I am still learning from my teammates," he explained.

Aside from playing on the soccer field, Foster has already established friendships at Hofstra after only being here for three and a half weeks.

"It did not hit me until I left the Manchester Airport," said Foster. "That is when the nerves settled in." From Manchester to New York is a fairly large change of lifestyle. On his free time he just hangs out with the guys he hangs with on the soccer field. "We play a lot of FIFA," joked Foster. Although he is a native of England, Shaun plays with Spain or France. "Their [England's]  defense is just terrible," he said.

While many may not classify it is true ‘American food', Foster's favorite dish this side of the Atlantic has been meatballs and he speaks highly of travelling to New York City. "It is absolutely incredible there," Shaun stated. Back in Liverpool, Shaun misses his friends the most, but it seems that he has met some lifelong friends here at Hofstra.

Shaun Foster (4) will try to rise above the competition in 2010. (Sean M. Gates/Hofstra Chronicle)

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