Hofstra USA replaces Smashburger after a year

Following negative feedback from students, Smashburger closed its doors, welcoming back the popular late night eatery, Hofstra USA (HofUSA). The newly revamped restaurant reopened on Saturday, Sept. 1. Despite an updated menu, some students are complaining of long lines and what students are calling an ineffective ordering system.

Senior send-off: Something worth remembering

I’ve grown with this paper for four years now. The Chronicle has allowed me to learn more at Hofstra than I ever could in a classroom. The opportunity to work with this paper made me become a better writer, leader and friend.

I truly believe that it is because of this paper that I am a better journalist. While I respect the professors here, they couldn’t teach me how to actually get out there and report. It was like taking swim lessons on dry land. The Chronicle threw me into the deep end and I never looked back.

Student board approved to work alongside Title IX

Recent movements and a shift in the political climate have raised many questions about discrimination and abuse, inspiring Hofstra students to further integrate themselves into the Title IX initiative. Beginning in fall 2018, Hofstra will have a student-led Title IX Advisory Board that will coordinate with university administration, placing special emphasis on Title IX training for leadership positions on campus such as Resident Assistants and Orientation Leaders.

Zarb secretary objects to removal after 19 years

Former Senior Executive Secretary of the Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business Department Joann Tsapelas was fired on Wednesday, May 3, after 19 years of working at Hofstra and 12 years working in the position having served seven chairs. Tsapelas said she fell victim to alleged bullying tactics within the administration of the Frank G. Zarb School of Business, attributing her removal to the efforts of the current department chair, Dr. Jacqueline A. Burke, who Tsapelas said filed six complaints against the secretary within a year. These complaints were the first and only complaints filed against Tsapelas throughout her 19 years working at Hofstra.

Since the 2016 presedential election, politics have arguably changed forever. In an effort to understand these changes, Hofstra alumnus and Rep. Tom MacArthur, former Vermont State Gov. Howard Dean and political strategist Edward Rollins joined together to discuss how the White House works in the panel “How Is Washington Working in 2018?” in the Guthart Cultural Center Theater on April 20th.