All tagged stage play

To be or not to be: A modernized ‘Hamlet’ in Brooklyn

The stage is set: a dark black box in which a single golden incense lamp hangs, billowing smoke illuminated by white light from above. Slowly, characters come from the wings to mourn the loss of King Hamlet, still body beneath a plastic sheet on a cold, metallic table. In the single spotlight from above, surrounded by darkness on all sides, Hamlet lets out a single, silent scream of agony in loss.

'To Kill A Mockingbird' soars to new heights on Broadway

Eight times a week on the Shubert Theatre stage, Harper Lee’s classic novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” comes to life. While the novel is well-known and loved by many, the Broadway production of the novel is still in its infancy. It opened on Broadway over a year ago on Dec. 13, 2018, and since then it has already become the highest-grossing American play ever.