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Opinion: A case for Republican rebellion against Donald Trump

By Antonio AgcaoiliStaff Writer

How can the party who we deem to usually be the cause of all that is wrong with government, with a track record including a government shutdown, a budget sequester, complacence to mass shootings and more recently the attempts to throw millions of Americans off of healthcare – how can a party with such blatant disregard for their own constituency hold the fate of the nation within it? The answer is “party insurrection.”

Nearly a year of Donald Trump has set back our country far enough to the point of no recognition. Pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement, bringing us closer to nuclear war with North Korea and a rise in vocal, racially motivated hate groups in America who act without condemnation from the White House has put our great country at risk. Trump is a great threat to our country and has sullied our image around the world as he wishes to walk hand in hand with other immensely unstable foreign leaders like Marine Le Pen, Tayyip Erdogan and Rodrigo Duterte, to name a few.

Republicans need to coalesce around one candidate and primarily support Trump – should he make it to 2020. A U.S. president being primaried does not happen often as it would seem foolhardy for a party to hold a coup against its leader and risk tanking the whole operation. Unfortunately for Trump, some Republicans do not seem to have a problem breaking ranks with him, such as Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and John McCain, just to name the most vocal. According to the most recent Gallup poll, Trump’s approval ratings have tanked to just 38 percent.

He is losing Republicans, and most importantly, Independents. For traditional conservatives and Republicans alike, they must strike now while the iron is hot or at least after a hopeful GOP decimation during the midterms.

One answer for Republicans is Ohio Gov. John Kasich. The mild-mannered swing state governor has often been speculated to run again in 2020. Why Kasich, when he proved himself weak after dropping out after the Indiana primary in 2016, although he was the last Republican with the ability to stop Trump. But have you seen the latest poll out of New Hampshire?

The American Research Group has done polling in New Hampshire and it looks very favorable to Gov. Kasich, beating President Trump resoundingly 52 to 40 among likely voters. Kasich won in all demographics besides men. What about Kasich against Vice President Mike Pence? Similar results with Kasich beating the vice president 41 to 27, with 32 percent yet to decide. Kasich tops Pence in all the demographics.

There is reason to discredit these polls, as it has a sample size of 600. It polls “likely voters” whereas Trump attracts those who do not vote as often, as well as first time voters. It has been nearly two years since we actually needed to worry about the New Hampshire primary, as the candidates we speculate this far from an election either may not run or fail early during the nomination process.

Republicans have a duty to this country and the people they serve. Many have said, “Country first!” The most recent events will have to put this phrase to the test and it is time for them to put their corporate money where their mouth is. It is time for Republicans to find their spine. And should they fail in either successfully primarying Trump or making no attempt at all, a progressive champion that this country needs will rise and truly “Make America Great Again.”

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