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2018 yearbook falls by the wayside

An annual tradition at Hofstra ends with the termination of Nexus Yearbooks.

Photo Courtesy of: Jill Leavey/ Hofstra Chronicle

Due to its lack of membership, as well as its neglecting to submit a budget or update its GetInvolvedHU page, the formerly robust Nexus club, formerly in charge of yearbook production, has now lost official recognition as a Hofstra-affiliated organization.

“Unfortunately, there is no chance of a yearbook this year,” said Student Government Association (SGA) Sen. Brandon Crofts. “In the past, SGA signs a contract with an outside company before the start of the fall semester. Given that no one was interested in being a part of Nexus’ leadership, SGA decided not to pursue a contract this year.”

In regard to the club’s dismantling, Crofts alluded to the idea that as the popularity of the yearbook dwindled, so did the motivation of the club. “SGA has had extra copies of the yearbook for the past few years, even though they were at no cost to the graduating seniors. The yearbook is a student-based initiative; therefore, if students are interested in making a yearbook, then students need to take the lead on the project,” Crofts said.

“There are a handful of students involved trying to get the word out, but we are still short and are working on getting the word out,” said senior film studies and production major Wendy Markert, who is one of the students attempting to restart the Nexus club. “Ideally, we would need a team of hardworking students who care about the yearbook to bring this club back to life and help it thrive.”

“Personally, it really doesn’t bother me that we won’t be getting a yearbook,” said senior business economics major Andie Hochenberger. “I probably would’ve flipped through it once and then stuck it on a shelf somewhere.”

Though many students like Hochenberger are indifferent to SGA’s decision, some are disappointed that they will not have the opportunity to own a yearbook to commemorate their graduation year.

“While yearbooks may not be popular, I think it’s unfortunate that one is not even being printed. Graduating seniors should have the option to purchase memorabilia to reflect back on their college years in the future if they wish,” said senior community health major Annalisa Piccolo.

“I’ve always loved yearbooks,” Markert said. “I really like being able to flip through the pages and look back at a collection of pictures of things that went on. I’m sure there are students and parents that looked forward to the yearbook like I did, and they will be disappointed when they hear that there will be no yearbook this year and possibly in future years without the Nexus club.”

Though there is no chance for a “Nexus 2018” to be published this year, Markert mentioned that an online version of the book will potentially be created by the university. As for the next graduating class, students will have to step up to the plate and take on the challenge of leading a club if they want the possibility of seeing a hardcover Nexus ever again.

“I’ve been trying to reach out to the Hofstra student body to garner interest in making a yearbook,” Crofts said. “We would love to connect individuals who want to restart a yearbook club, so that they can reapply for OSLE and SGA recognition. Once this is achieved, they can request money in a budget proposal and continue to function as an active club. Alternatively, other yearbook options can be looked into, while asking our students if a yearbook is something they would still be interested in having.”