The Hofstra Chronicle

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The Chronicle receives LEAKED email from Wells/Miedreich campaign

By The Chronicle

The Chronicle was given an email from the Jimmy Wells/Luke Miedreich campaign for Student Government President by an SGA senator who wishes to remain annonymous. The Chronicle felt that this email needed to be fact checked and to verify the accusations in it. Our response will be published Thursday. It brings up serious accusations of our staff and our editorial process and ones that we do not take lightly.

Thank you,

The Chronicle Staff.

From: Jimmy Wells and Luke Miedreich <REMOVED DUE CONFIDENTIALITY >
Date: Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:53 PM
Subject: The Chronicle Story/ campaign meeting

I talked to Jess today after taking 2 days to calm down, and this is what I gathered

The kicker on the front page entitled "SGA Racism" was not done by her, it was done by David Gordon, who is an unethical bastard, and has no regards for people's feelings. 

The Chronicle WASNT going to run the story, but with Akeem's quote with "whole African community" made it a story that had to be ran.  I still don't agree that it was ran, but I slightly understand where the chronicle came from. SO BLAME AKEEM,(SHOCK)

Jess made a good point that if anyone other than Jess wrote it, it would have been 1000 times worse than it was.  because for some odd reason the chronicle hates me.

so point of the email:

Lets not even worry about the chronicle anymore, whats done is done.  Jess said that the chronicle was going to run a story about people throwing out the chronicles because there are professor, public safety, and student accounts for members of SGA and phi delt doing it. 

This is extremely shitty what happened, and someone was out to get get me, but to quote Britney spears.. "I go through life like the karate kid. I will get through this, and we will come out on top this Thursday when election results are posted.  This is fire and ammo to run an amazing election.

So please everyone I ask you a favor as my friend or my brother, that we will be nice and respectful toward Jess, she was doing me a favor by writing the story, because like motioned before, someone else really could of made it worse.  Jess is our one connection with the chronicle, and she will continue to fight for me, and a healthier relationship with Student Government as a whole.  So please no more disrespectful comments toward her
and then final note:

Meeting tomorrow at 10:15 13th floor of Estabrook, this is crunch time, so we need everyone there!

Jimmy Wells and Luke Miedreich
Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates
Student Government Association
Hofstra Univeristy

"Working for More"