The Hofstra Chronicle

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SGA wraps up quick

By Courtney Walsh, Assistant News Editor

On Nov. 9 Hofstra's Student Government Association (SGA) had the shortest meeting on record. The senate met briefly to debate and reinstate senator Andrew Learner, and discuss upcoming events and weekly reports.

SGA President James Wells encouraged senators to attend the Multi Cultural mixer held on Wednesday. The mixer sponsored by SGA and the Hofstra Center for Civic Engagement and various other Hofstra organizations, was meant to promote cultural diversity within the university.

"A lot of students feel that although this school is diverse on paper, it is not diverse on campus, and as students leaders we can help change this. I strongly encourage everyone to attend," said Wells.

Next Saturday, Nov. 20, the SGA will be sponsoring Hofstra's annual Destination Runway. This theme correlates with Hofstra's 75th Anniversary celebration; models will sport clothing from throughout the decades of Hofstra's history.  Doors will open 30 minutes before the show, but the models will be required to be at Hofstra USA by noon.

"It's basically going to be insanity that day, we're going to run through the show over and over, and make sure our models and fit and fabulous," said Spirit Chairwoman Victoria Vullo.

This year the students are getting help from one of their sponsors in fitting the models, while hair and make up will be done by HX Salon who just came out with their own makeup line this year.

"Also this year we have goodie bags, little swag bags for the audience," said Vullo.

The bags contain everything from hair care products to tooth brushes to candy and bracelets.

With over 55 models participating in the show, Vullo, the SGA and Helping Hands will be taking tickets at the door.

"This year we're mainly going for a more professional fashion show in comparison to a student fashion show," said Vullo.

Tickets will be sold $5 in advance and $7 at the door, all proceeds will go to Save the Children.