The Hofstra Chronicle

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Love, Lust & Life

By Chelsea Tirrell

A hopeless romantic, though cliché, is the best way I can describe myself. When it comes to love, I become a victim of mindless dreaming and wishful thinking. I seem to have mastered the art of functional relationships and yet, it seems I can't maintain one for myself.

Maybe it's my headstrong personality that keeps me from settling for less than what I've imagined to be the best boyfriend. Maybe it's them and their inability to satisfy these insatiable standards. Then again, maybe I just enjoy being single.

Those who know me would argue that this couldn't be the case. I look for love the way an alcoholic looks for their next bottle. But there is something keeping me from diving head-first into the dating pool: single life is what I know. Having been a part of it, I can attest to the fact that it does have its benefits.

For one, you find who you are. Often times, people jump from relationship to relationship and in the process, they lose who are they are. When they finally break away and begin leading a single life, they're reminded of who they used to be. Being single has allowed me to focus on myself and, specifically, my aspirations. When you're taken, someone holds you back. If you're single, the only thing holding you back is you.

You also learn to be independent. You support yourself, find the things that make you happy, and make your own schedule. I pride myself on my independence as should any other single individual. Of course, your friends are there to take a boyfriend's place. It's because of them you're able to carry yourself from day to day without feeling totally alone. Don't forget to credit yourself; you're running your own ship, and that's something to proud of.

Let's not forget the freedom; it's quite possibly the biggest benefit. There's no need to tell anyone your plans, so you can come and go as you please. Second-guessing yourself when you go out is no longer necessary. You can let loose and not wonder what your other half is doing or if they'd be upset with your behavior.

If you've just recently ended a long-term relationship, be sure to take the time you need. When you're with someone for so long, it's hard to remember how to act on your own. But that's the beauty of it all; there is no one way to behave.

Single is the last thing many of us want to be. However, sulking about it gets us nowhere. It's best to acknowledge your situation and take full advantage of it. It's not until you stop waiting around for Mr. Right that he'll actually come.