Hofstra officially kicked off this holiday season on Dec. 7 by inviting everyone to the Holiday Lighting Ceremony where Hofstra Hall became the highlight. Everyone gathered to enjoy its radiance cutting through the night sky. Hofstra University students and faculty were all encouraged to come out to the event.

Hofstra's School of Education, Health and Human Services announced the opening for the Center of Scholarship, Development and Outreach at the end of November. The mission to "enhance the collaboration of SOEHHS faculty and to promote scholarship and outreach to schools and communities," as is stated in the mission statement on the Hofstra University's website for the Center For Scholarship and Development and Outreach.

The battle over Afghanistan that has been waging for years has gradually gained less and less attention from the media; but even when it has, the focus has primarily been directed at troop presence on the ground or the strength or weakness of the Taliban. Yet other fundamental issues are playing out within that region, issues that rarely are addressed by news outlets.

On the list of questions I ask myself daily, among why there's a secret bathroom on the first floor of Dempster, and why Hofstra cookies aren't passed out for free at every Unispan, is why cheese is so damn good. While a lot of people enjoy cheese, I find there are few who love cheese. No. Really love cheese…to the point where it's almost a problem?

As we are celebrating Chanukah, I would like to share a few thoughts on the meaning of this festive holiday. Chanukah commemorates the dramatic victory of the Maccabees following a three-year long rebellion against the ruling Assyrian-Greek powers, who set out to destroy Judaism by forbidding its observance. The courage of the Maccabees to fight for their religious convictions and their right to practice their Jewish beliefs continues to be an inspiration.

Operating under the assumption that you have indeed come into contact with some form of global news in the past few weeks, I am sure you have noted the increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula. To say they have risen would be to indulge in a grotesque understatement, but the general truth is the same. The two halves of that wildly bifurcated bit of land haven't been so close to war in half a century.

When applying for a job at an Abercrombie & Fitch store or corporate headquarters it is likely that you will be asked "What does diversity mean to you?" This is a very important question these days when trying to interview future employees in an attempt to sift through the bunch to find who is desirable, but what does Abercrombie & Fitch find desirable? What does diversity mean to them?

Do you remember the last time you read a book for pleasure and entertainment? Refrain from feeling ashamed or disappointed if it's been weeks or months since you've read a remarkable novel, your favorite magazine, or the daily paper. This is, unfortunately, becoming quite common among diverse demographics, especially college students.

The fall semester is almost over, Thanksgiving break has come and gone, finals are on their way and the last few weeks of your first semester are fast approaching. The professors you had this first semester may not have liked you, so how do you help change the first impression you made this semester and establish a good relationship with the professors you'll have in the spring?


In honor of Hofstra University's 75th Anniversary, Hofstra's fourth annual Destination Funway featured 75 years of fashion.   Hofstra's Destination Runway is an event founded by Hofstra 2009 alumni Peter Disilvio in 2006. The fashion show is sponsored by the Student Government Association and Dean of Students, who select a different charity each year to donate the event's proceeds to.  This year the SGA selected Save The Children.