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Hofstra officially kicked off this holiday season on Dec. 7 by inviting everyone to the Holiday Lighting Ceremony where Hofstra Hall became the highlight. Everyone gathered to enjoy its radiance cutting through the night sky. Hofstra University students and faculty were all encouraged to come out to the event.

Hofstra's School of Education, Health and Human Services announced the opening for the Center of Scholarship, Development and Outreach at the end of November. The mission to "enhance the collaboration of SOEHHS faculty and to promote scholarship and outreach to schools and communities," as is stated in the mission statement on the Hofstra University's website for the Center For Scholarship and Development and Outreach.

In honor of Hofstra University's 75th Anniversary, Hofstra's fourth annual Destination Funway featured 75 years of fashion.   Hofstra's Destination Runway is an event founded by Hofstra 2009 alumni Peter Disilvio in 2006. The fashion show is sponsored by the Student Government Association and Dean of Students, who select a different charity each year to donate the event's proceeds to.  This year the SGA selected Save The Children.

An author of eight books on forensic linguistics, a former FBI chief of Forensic Linguistics and a former rock star of the 60s band, Sha Na Na,teamed up recently to launch the nation's first M.A. degree in forensic linguistics at The University. The degree program, which has already attracted students and linguistics experts from all over the world, applies the theoretical science of linguistics to analyze language involving the law. This includes interpreting contracts, laws and often analyzing the language that is connected with crimes.

Atheist clubs are being formed at many colleges and universities across the country.  According to, a non-profit ministry that conducts Christian seminars on college campuses, "Three out of four Christian teens walk away from the church after they leave home."  Are students permanently leaving their childhood religious beliefs or are they merely using the freedom of college to explore life beyond religion?