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Sumayyah's Suggestions: Logical learning

There are five general learning styles that you can be sorted into: aural, visual, kinesthetic, verbal and logical. You can manipulate any environment by focusing on the key aspects of the learning style that fits best with your personality. There are tests that you can take to find out what learning style you officially are, but it isn’t necessary. I have personally benefitted from implementing a mix of all the learning styles into my studying routine, and I found that it helps me comprehend the material from a variety of different directions I might not have thought of previously.

The fifth and final learning style is logical learning. This learning style is known for being methodical, mathematical and well-reasoned. While those who adhere to this learning style often excel by following strict orders, you do not have to act like a tired, put-upon businessperson with a boring daily routine. You can create schedules and order for yourself, but also experiment with other learning styles to create a routine that doesn’t work you to the bone.

If you identify with this learning style, it is important to create order in your study routines, your class routines and your life. This can be done by first evaluating your current study routine. Be completely honest with yourself – is your routine chaotic? Do you work better in silence, but live with noisy family members or noisy roommates? Do you have everything you need to work or are you constantly interrupting yourself to try and find an item? Once you know what is not working in your routine, you can begin to troubleshoot by adding in what does work.

Try to study for your classes at the same time every day. This allows you to prevent procrastination by following a strict study schedule and will also have the simultaneous benefit of gradually learning the material. While you may study at the same time every day, try to vary your study spaces so that you have different surroundings, which will help you prepare for tests.

Print your syllabi and create a side-by-side list where you have each week of work planned out. I personally keep what I call a “syllabible,” where I create a booklet of all my syllabi with my own personal schedules and important assignments sheet stapled together. Keeping your syllabuses handy with clear, step-by-step instructions for your courses is crucial when you are trying to complete assignments. You can even ask your professors how you can organize your routine to be more streamlined and efficient. Create a monthly, weekly and daily to-do list of what you need to do, and keep an Excel sheet or a table that keeps track of your grades and averages for classes.

Logical learners literally look for the logic in what they are doing. They like creating schedules, following routines and having everything around them work the exact way they expect it to work. As such, it is important to note that if you are a logical learner, you can lean heavily towards perfectionism. There is nothing wrong on the surface with perfectionism – if you want to spend extra time going above and beyond on your projects, the people around you will appreciate it and you will probably feel good about your abilities as well. However, remember to take breaks because your mental health and physical well-being are just as important as your elaborate 30-slide PowerPoint presentation. Stay logical.

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