The Hofstra Chronicle

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Poem: going in circles

Photo courtesy of Daniel Fazio / Unsplash

what do we do? we revisit the same old story once again, for the umpteenth time, as if we don’t know the outcome.

what if we try to change it?

i’m scared.

i think it’s worth trying what will we really learn? what will we gain?

who will we leave to suffer in our wake?

it beats the alternative, going in circles again and again

maybe it’s easier that way. not for me. it’s tearing me apart.

get used to it. i did.

i can’t.

then this is no longer a circle, but a line with a start and finish. our worst nightmare.

i guess so.

is this what we were doomed to from the start? two tortured writers, stuck in a cursed loop? wanting to force something that doesn’t occur naturally?

i don’t know. so it’s the age old question, what do we do?

i don’t know