The Hofstra Chronicle

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Opinion: Democracy hits a wall

It’s hard for anyone to argue that President Donald J. Trump isn’t fulfilling his campaign promises, though the legality of such promises is highly questionable and in some instances downright unconstitutional.

After over eight years of GOP rhetoric condemning Obama for even the least controversial of executive orders, it is amazing to have heard not even a peep from the party as the newly sworn in president has signed in a total of 18 memos and orders within his first 12 days.

While this number isn’t unprecedented, the contents of said orders have led to huge uproars from the public, especially the recent ban on immigration from certain predominately Muslim nations including Iran, Syria and Iraq, among others. This order ignores nations such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, even though they too carry a high Muslim population, causing many to question the reasoning behind the seven chosen countries.

Beyond the possibility of Trump’s business interests getting in the way, the larger question of completely stopping the path of legal immigration to the United States comes into play.

The ban affected not only new immigrants and refugees, but it also barred those with legal student and work visas from entering the country. This severed people from their families, education and means to make their way in a country that was once referred to as the land of golden opportunity.

If Republicans were so worried about creating a legal path of immigration, why would they support the blocking of people who have worked hard to gain visas and contribute economically, intellectually or socially to this country? The ban goes against our true values as a democratic state.

Somehow this isn’t even the most worrisome of issues concerning this ban. Trump has shown time and time again that he has no idea what the true purpose of the presidential office, or in fact any facet of the United States government, by his refusal to adhere to a federal judge hold on the ban and instead demand that it be appealed immediately.

This country was formed to go against a harsh monarch, so having a president who believes he is all-powerful is a spit in the face of the ideals this nation was built upon. At this stage Trump is much closer to sinking than swimming and we need to work hard to make sure he doesn’t take our nation with him.

Jesse Saunders is the President of the Hofstra Democrats

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