The Hofstra Chronicle

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Rosenberg Gallery: Artwork moves to the movie screen

Photo courtesy of America-Israel Cultural Foundation.

By Brianna Holcomb


The lights were off in the gallery and a “movie” played on the television in front of me.

A woman was walking silently around a room and her footsteps were the only noise you could hear. A camera followed her on her journey around what looked like an apartment.

This silent movie is what can be found featured in the Rosenberg Gallery in Calkins Hall this week. The artist responsible for this artwork is Ira Eduardovna.

Eduardovna was born in Uzbekistan and currently lives in Brooklyn. She recieved a Bachelor’s degree for education and art from Tel Aviv University and an MFA from Hunter College. The woman walked through the apartment complex looking to be in no rush and having no clear destination.

She walked with her hands in her pockets and a trench coat covering her outfit.

After watching the first screen I turned my attention to my right where another “movie” was displayed on the wall. I watched as tables shook as though there was an earthquake taking place in the scene. The china on the tables rattled and glasses turned over but they never broke.

At the end of the shaking, a woman’s hand, with red nail polish adorning her fingertips, picks up the tableware and neatly places it upright again.

This loop continues on in each of the films. The artwork acts as an extended version of Vine, the app where you make six-second videos, without the funny cats or random dance moments. Both of the “movies” featured women as the main characters.

Their faces were never shown, the artist choosing to focus on certain features such as the womans's hands or their backs.

It was interesting to see the calm nature each woman possessed. The woman featured in the “earthquake” film was very calm in replacing the china as though there was no real danger.

This gallery took on artwork in a new light taking the pieces to the “movie” screen.