The Hofstra Chronicle

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Overheard at Hofstra

In the Student Center:Girl: Hofstra’s food makes me s***.

In Bits and Bytes: Guy 1: Should I get a salad for dinner? Guy 2: Yeah, if you’re a loser.

In Breslin Hall: Girl: She woke up in her bed covered in blood.

In the Unispan: Girl: Eight-year-olds are even wearing a bra.

Outside Cafe on the Quad: Guy: He has a runners body... thick, but you know.

In the Axinn Library: Girl: It’s freckles, not leprosy.

In the Hammer Lab: Girl: I can’t wait for Thanksgiving break so I can just go home and sleep.

In Bill of Rights Hall: Girl: There needs to be elevator music in here.

In Mason Hall: Guy: “The Lion King” is like my coming out story.

We’re always listening......