The Hofstra Chronicle

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Make the most of your winter break

By Amanda ValentovicStaff Writer

When the stress of finals is at last relieved, all students want to do is go home and relax during the holiday season. With weeks of time to kill until the end of January, winter break is a great time to catch up with friends and family and maybe cross a few things off of that never-ending to-do list.

1.Winter in the City A great way to spend time with old friends is a field trip to New York City. If distance is not a problem, get a group of people together and spend the day in the city while the tree in Rockefeller Center is still up and the windows at Saks Fifth Avenue are still decorated. Even if it is after the holiday, the spirit of Christmas is still in the air.

2.Low-key Relaxation When venturing outside into the cold weather does not sound appealing, make a cup of hot chocolate and have a lazy day on the couch. That book that was never read is waiting to be picked up, and there are endless choices to pick from on Netflix.

3.Get Organized Use the time off from school to get organized and get rid of old school supplies to prepare for next semester. It will be a good time to clean out things that will not be going back to a dorm room as well. Create donation bags and tackle the old clothes and toys that have been long forgotten in the back of a closet.

4.Video Game Tournament Even though all friendships seem to end while playing video games, power on the Xbox or Wii and have a tournament. Set up brackets and compete with friends to see who can score the most points on "Just Dance" or who can avoid falling off the edge of "Rainbow Road" in Mario Kart. It will be a great way to spend time with friends, while not having to make any big plans.

5.Bowling Night Bowling is a fun and inexpensive way to catch up with old friends. A bowling ball rolling the wrong way or someone dropping it on their foot is pretty much guaranteed to happen, and a story that gets a lot of laughs almost always comes out of a trip to go bowling.

Whatever the holiday season and January bring, remember to have fun and enjoy being home for an extended period of time. A vacation is just the thing most students need before diving into the spring semester.