The Hofstra Chronicle

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Surviving a hurricane at Hofstra

By Sophia Strawser Assistant Features Editor

We have had Irene and now Sandy, it’s about time that we become fluent in hurricane/natural disaster survival needs. Although we have received many emails from Hofstra informing us that they have gone above and beyond in preparation for the storm (they have a few small rags to be used to clean up small amounts of water) we need to be ready next time with a list of necessities.

  1. You will need empty bottles attached to yarn. After making these, dangle them outside your window. Not only will you be able to measure the amount of rain fall but you will have fresh “Sandy” or whatever hurricane comes next, natural drinking water.
  2. You will need balloons. There is nothing more dreary than being locked inside for two or three days and not having colorful balloons—but really.
  3. You will also need a small raft and/or floatation device. Children’s arm floaties will do if a raft is unable to be purchased. This is for any Target runs, scenic strolls, or bootie calls you may need to perform mid-storm.
  4. Make sure to have banners, silly string, and/or ribbon. You never know how long you will be locked in your dorm. You could have to celebrate Halloween, a friend’s birthday or your half birthday during the storm. (You may use your extra balloons to celebrate as well if needed)
  5. Always have Oreos.
  6. Have batteries. You might need a flash light to toast your (locked-in-a-dorm-room) smores.
  7. Hairspray. Don’t want pesky flyaways.
  8. Make sure to have a deck of cards. You can throw one out of the window to test the speed of the wind.
  9. A sleeping mask. If the lights come back on half way through your beauty sleep (anywhere from 4am to 4pm) you want to make sure you can finish out your sleep perfectly undisturbed. Because let’s face it this is the most pressing issue you will have during a natural disaster.
  10. Make sure to leave your homework somewhere else. If you get days off they are exactly that days “off.” So use them accordingly.

In enjoy your days off Hofstra, make sure to be prepared for the next time disaster strikes.