What do Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts and Hershey's Chocolate all have in common? Besides leading the vanguard of a goal for universal obesity, they are all world-famous companies which come from America. There is, however, another American invention that hasn't been embraced with open arms around the world. It's Thanksgiving. There are few things that deserve better foreign reception, and Thanksgiving is one of them.

Having spent the past week travelling on fall break I have been able to reflect on the real comforts in life. I'm fully aware of what most of you must be thinking: ‘Poor Miles, getting to travel and see interesting places. Woe is he.' Usually I would accept such mocking sympathy in stride but honestly, it was exhausting.

How many times has this happened to you? You are walking back from class or relaxing outside when someone lights a cigarette right near you. What is your first thought? Do you think it's gross? Do you walk by and ignore it?

This has happened to me many times, and I always think, "That is disgusting. We need stricter rules."

The current rules about on-campus smoking states that smokers must be at least 20 feet from a building. Let me tell you, this needs to change! In the first place, many people do not even follow this 20 feet rule.