The Hofstra Chronicle

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She's The First fundraises with cupcakes

By Jesse Bade, Staff Writer

Last year 111 girls went to school in third-world countries on behalf of She's the First, a national non-profit organization dedicated to the education of girls in third-world countries, and that number is looking to be increased. This week, the organization hosted a Tie-Dye Cupcake Bake-Off worldwide with 80 teams participating—the Hofstra chapter of She's the First being one of them.

"I feel lucky to have the opportunity that Hofstra has given me to get an education," said Leonora Fleming, senior and social media director of She's the First at Hofstra University. "Because I am grateful for that I want to give back to those who have been less fortunate. People take for granted their ability to go to college."

 This fundraiser involved selling cupcakes at a dollar each with the overall aim of raising $20,000 that will be put towards sponsoring various girls all over the world. Every $300 earned puts one girl through school for a year.

"By helping these girls attend and graduate from high school," said Lauren Castner, the creative associate of She's The First. "We give them a chance to be anything they want to be and for them to help their families, and themselves, by receiving an education."

 The Hofstra chapter, after less than a day of selling, reached $200 and has high hopes for their final sum. But cupcakes are not all they are selling. T-shirts designed by professional graphic designers from HerCampus magazine were chosen by some girls already being sponsored and are also available for purchase. All proceeds go toward the cause.

She's the First is only a two-year-old organization; however, it has high hopes for expansion in the future. Girls in many of these countries are not even allowed to consider the thought of going to school because society and family issues hold them back. She's the First aims to change this and make a difference in the world by doing so.

Funds were raised for women from 3rd-world countries to attend school. (Jenna Grasso/The Chronicle)